How flexible are the flight rules? trip Not very. Here are some very important limitations to keep in mind: You must depart for Israel with the group from the scheduled departure airport You can not meet the group in Israel…even if you are already in Europe...
What if the flight that I want is not available? trip Trip dates are determined directly by Taglit-Birthright Israel in coordination with the airlines. Typically, trip dates are issued in multiple stages. Even if your first choice of trip dates is not yet available, we do suggest that you select...
How is the order of ticketing determined? trip Because we know that there are frequently more eligible applicants than there are available spots on the trip, our goal as an organization is to keep the process as fair as possible. We determine the order of ticketing according...
Am I guaranteed a spot on this trip? trip The maximum number of total spaces for trips will be determined by the Taglit-Birthright Israel foundation, based on funding and other factors. Usually, the sooner that you register, get interviewed, and send in your security deposit and waiver, the...
Can I extend my ticket? trip Definitely. You can stay longer in Israel…30 to 90 days depending on the airline. And you can arrange for your extension before the trip or during the trip. Extra fees do apply. All of the details are in our...
How do I get my plane ticket? trip Physical plane tickets are only distributed at the airport by airport staff. It is impossible to book seats on the plane in advance. Additional airport meeting instructions will be sent to you once you have been confirmed on a...
What are the departure dates? trip Trips are offered in two season each year — winter and summer. Winter trips take place in November, December, January, February, and March. Summer trips take place in May, June, July, and August. Our flights may originate from New...