Registering for a Birthright Israel Trip

You can now complete your application for Winter 2024/25! The number of seats available will be EXTREMELY limited this season. Trips will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

What if I’m Not Sure I Want to Go?

Applying is commitment-free and just shows you’re interested in a trip. You can back out at any point during the registration before finalizing.

If you have (or can create) the chance to go now, don’t put it off. You may never end up having another opportunity for an amazing, action-packed free trip to Israel.

A bit about the registration process:


  • Any email address that is not .edu
  • A credit card or PayPal account for the refundable deposit
  • A box of cookies (okay, that one is optional)

The Application

Birthright Israel requires everyone to fill out the 5-part application where you’ll choose your Trip Organizer (that’s us!), determine you’re fully eligible, and choose the trips that work for you! It should take you about 10 minutes. If you get stuck or confused at any point, just give us a call and we’ll walk you through it. 

On the main application form you’ll tell us about yourself, your Jewish background, and why you want to go on this trip, as well as a few other things we need to know to get you started.

To apply:

  • Click Here
  • Register & confirm your email address (or login again)
  • Fill out the main registration form
  • Have a cookie. And keep an eye on your inbox. You’ll receive some important e-mails within 24-48 hours

        Make sure to:

  • Confirm ‘OU Israel Free Spirit’ as your trip organizer
  • Pay your refundable deposit right away to move your application forward
  • If you don’t have a valid passport right now, don’t worry! You can always fill in this information later. Just be sure to apply for one ASAP.

Chat with Us

Every applicant receives a 10-15 minute 1on1 phone call where we get to know you better in order to place you on the trip that will fit you best!

The Trip Offer

We’ll e-mail you an offer for one of our trips if you’re selected. You’ll have the choice to accept or decline. Remember to complete everything as soon as possible!

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