Trip Date
Departure City
Summer 2019
10 days

Here’s all you need to know to get ready for your Birthright Israel trip with the Bellaire Jewish Center:

How do I apply?

Click here to sign up now & receive priority status. Put “Houston” as the recruiter. 

It’s commitment-free and you’ll get priority status when registration opens.

Tell me about the trip

This is the classic Birthright Israel experience you’ve been hearing about from your friends. Go on with your friends from Houston or meet new people from your community.

From hiking along breathtaking views to tasting authentic Israeli cuisine; riding camels in the starry desert to floating in the Dead Sea; connecting with Jerusalem to a night out in Tel Aviv – do it all here with Americans and Israelis your age!  You’re not a tourist; you’re an adventure-seeker!

Indulge yourself – This is Israel Free Spirit, and your adventure starts here.

Questions? Contact Gavriel Jacknin, Or email us here, just put ‘Houston’ as the subject line.

Itinerary Highlights

Ride a camel across the desert
ATVing across rugged terrain
Feel history come alive at the Western Wall
Tour an award winning winery
Relax on Tel Aviv beaches
Scale the magnificent Masada
Hike the waterfalls in the Golan Heights
Float in the Dead Sea
Connect with Israelis your age